Undercover Lover – Part 50

Romy and Saige capture Ben. Feeling pretty good about it, they come out of the rink to find that Romy’s boss has moved against the gang without him, using the situation with Ben as a distraction. Disappointed, Romy isn’t quite sure what to think.

“You moved against Pablo without me?” He looked shocked and rather disappointed.

“We knew you had family business to take care of,” Givens said gently. “It had to go down fast. We couldn’t wait.”

“Yeah, well….” He swore quietly for several seconds. “You know the really stupid thing in all this? It wasn’t even about me! I thought they’d twigged my ID, right? But it was you all along!” Romy laughed giddily, pulling Saige into his arms.

“What are you talking about?” She asked him.

They walked to one of the vehicles to sit down. Julia was escorted to an ambulance by paramedics. They checked her carefully while the others waited.

“I thought Rimsky was moving against me, but he wasn’t. It was Ben all along. He was so jealous of you and Brodie, he didn’t even think. He called in his posse over a woman! Not that you aren’t amazing, love, but he risked pissing off his boss because of you. And these people you don’t want to piss off.”

“I guess I should be flattered. No one ever did that before.”

“Well, whatever the reason, we got the ones we were after,” Givens clapped Romy on the shoulder again. “Nearly two years worth of work. Damn good job, Romy. Damn good. Best thing is, Pablo doesn’t know it was you!”

“Do you need me at the moment, Jeff? I’d like to go with my gran to the hospital. And I want to visit the lads.”

“Go, go! I know how to find you. The men can do your paperwork. Family first, you know that.”

Romy and Saige walked to his SUV arm in arm. Harmony drove to the hospital behind the ambulance.

“Ironic, that,” Romy said. “All those months of work almost went up in smoke because of a selfish, jealous tosser.”

“If she was mine, I’d fight for her too,” Harmony said, glancing at Saige in the mirror.

“Yeah, but…. Anything I say to refute that is going to make me sound like a selfish wanker.” He laughed at himself.

“Shut up and kiss me,” Saige suggested.

Romy didn’t need telling twice. Harmony dropped them off at the front door of the hospital. They were dirty and disheveled, a fact Saige realized when she glanced at herself in a mirror between the elevators. Their clothing was rumpled, covered in rust, dirt and cobwebs. Romy had blood on his sleeve from one of his brothers and Saige had dirty streaks all over her face. People in the elevator looked at them funny, but neither of them minded.

Romy took her fingers, squeezing gently as the elevator came to a stop. His grandmother was being examined by the emergency room doctors, so they were on the way to see his brothers on the orthopedic floor.

Chas and Dexter were covered with bruises and abrasions. Despite a few broken or cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a broken collar bone, they were in good spirits.

© 2012 Dellani Oakes

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